With the U60 the brand Gigabyte wants to attack the distributor of smart phones and PDAs. However, not every attempt to establish itself in and with a new class of devices are crowned with success. The operating system is Microsoft Windows XP, a mass-compatible software installed; it exists for the U 60 in either the Home or the Professional versions. Now, we should pay little attention to the Hardware Features: Inside tinkers a type processor VIA C7-M clock of 1 GHz, 768 MB of RAM is DDR2-533, the Hitachi hard drive offers 28.6 gigabytes of storage space.

A display for indoor

The 6.5-inch display has a resolution of 1024 x 600 pixels. That does not sound bad at first, but on closer inspection, it reveals weaknesses: In part, it reflects the colours are dull; the brightness is not enough to useful work under the open sky

Journal entry with pitfalls

You can enter on the touch screen by hand or stylus. In addition, a QWERTY keyboard, it is pulled below the display. The text input is more difficult than in notebooks, but much simpler than the somewhat fiddly QWERTY keyboards of smartphones.

Gigabyte U60

There are also integrates a miniature touchpad and two mouse buttons, so you can navigate to some extent.

Restricted mobility

Also in terms of mobility – WLAN and Bluetooth are available; a modem for mobile network is completely missing. For this, the battery performance is very good with scarce four hours.

Mobility for handbag

Even with the dimensions of the problem reveals a device that works as a kind of intermediate class between two existing categories. Approximately 19 x 12 x 3 centimetres measure of the Gigabyte U60. With 740 grams, it takes many times more than the balance on the smart phones or PDAs. A smartphone can comfortably accommodate in a jacket pocket, the best ultralights fit in a briefcase.The U60 is simply worse in terms of mobility as smartphones, and in terms of computing power, monitor, or text input worse than notebooks.Depending on how you set, the focus /mobility or computer power/ you can opt for one or the other, perhaps even both. Whether there is customers who still want something in between? It seems questionable.

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